Hello, my name is Multifaceted Lorraine and I’m a recovering perfectionist.

Rather than a busybody, I'm a BusyBuddy to anyone that feels overwhelmed and burnt out and I’m also a *BIZiBuddy to my online friends because the solopreneur’s journey is a challenging one! I empathize with the stress and overwhelm because I’ve been there many times over. Then I decided to live my Enough.Already. life and started MULTIFACETING in my Home, Work & Life and made the journey FUN!

I blog and sell FUN products to motivate and inspire productivity and self care so that YOU too can enjoy your

One Best Enough.Already. life!

I hope you’re here because of my invitation for some Lemon 🍋 Cake on my Home page. And while I do love Champagne, I love a warm comforting cup of tea ☕️ just as much.

Won’t you join me? I’ll serve the cake 🍰 once the tea’s 🫖 brewed.

How did I get to the Enough.Already. Life?

I created the Enough.Already. Life website as a crazy big huge reminder to myself! I’m kinda quirky/crazy like that and I won’t lie - I REALLY needed the encouragement myself! As I encourage others and started to share my insights and experiences with them, I was asked questions. I realized that it could be a useful reminder for anyone else who’s interested in intentionally living their one best life too.

Backing up, it all started with my website, ClosetDelights.com, which happily opened in 2009 for about a couple of months and then it was suddenly put on hold for… years… and years… and years!

WHY? 2 house moves (3 if you include the interim one), lots of house stuff (IYKYK and understand the crazy San Francisco property market, you can imagine what a traumatic nightmare it can be and it was for me! Good ending though; kinda), my website platform and host discontinued - poof!, tech changes, website & tech challenges, lots & lots of online courses, lots of life stuff and lots of other super stressful stuff,… all happened… and I found myself traumatized, bewildered and overwhelmed. I struggled to re-create ClosetDelights.com and the happiness that it started with. The uncanny thing was that each time I started working on my website, a major life event would pop up to waylay my plans!! As the number of years grew, I grew more frustrated. Time always moves forward regardless and changes are natural. However, my once happy website never left my heart.

I felt stuck.

Priorities constantly got shuffled and life began to feel very frustrating and overwhelming. One day, I hit my Enough.Already. point and decided to pause and get really clear about what was happening. Then I got really clear about where I was. Then followed the brutally honest part of where I wanted to be, based on what mattered most to me. ALL these intentional steps allowed me to analyze and identify, not just where the gaps were, but also what really needed to change! The hardest starting point was to get very clear about WHAT MATTERED MOST to me FIRST. We are constantly distracted by incessant noise coming from every which way, so I made a concerted effort to get super duper clear about what mattered most to me FIRST. This isn’t being selfish. This is the only way to work towards being your best self so that you can be YOUR BEST for others.

I decided Enough.Already. and I’m choosing to do whatever it takes to get to where I want to be.

This is an ongoing journey… not a destination.

Today, I’m happily living my Enough.Already. Life, after making my Enough.Already. decisions and taking my Enough.Already. actions. Living a sustainable life along my happiness path in spite of life’s ups & downs and twists & turns. Managing changes and making relevant changes in my Enough.Already. stride by MULTIFACETING in my Home, Work and Life.

😊 Maybe, just maybe, sharing this Enough.Already. Life will help and inspire you too. 💕

I discovered that there are 3 phases of ©Enough.Already. and understanding these 3 phases can make a HUGE difference in getting unstuck and taking the relevant steps to move forward towards living your One Best Life.



The 3 phases




FINALLY, YOU DECIDE that it’s - Enough.Already. - things have to change and only YOU can make the CHANGE(s) happen.

You ACCEPT. You can’t control everything that happens to you; you CAN ONLY CONTROL the way you respond to what happens. Your power is in your response.

  • What is happening?

  • Why is it happening?

  • Where do you want to be?

  • What resources do you have before you?

Your One Best Life is worth your One Best Next Step!




You’ve decided you’re going to do something about it. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

YOU say Enough.Already. to all the distractions that are diverting your focus from your One Best Life. You will start to ALIGN & CHOOSE your actions towards what matters most to you. YOU WILL find ways and persevere; often it means only one little step a day. Just one step forward is still closer by one step than before.

You make your Enough.Already. decisions.

You take your Enough.Already. actions.

30 little steps in a month (or even 20 or 10) is better than the non-existent one big step in a day, week or month that you thought would be required.




The journey begins and continues. When it gets rough & tough, you constantly remind yourself :

YOU CAN because YOU ARE Enough.Already. to make it happen.

✨ You can only do YOUR BEST, that’s the most that you can do and that’s Enough.Already.

When YOU have the WILL, you’ll find the way! All the little by little steps adds up and no matter how little it may seem… don’t give up. Did you not believe that you really want what you’re reaching for? YOU WANT this enough to keep going. The day will come when all these steps taken becomes your journey. It’ll be worthwhile because it’s the journey that you wanted, not the one that you aimlessly had no intention of having.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but each day you’ll have taken little intentional steps towards where you want to be and someday you will see that you were on your way and that this was all part of a bigger plan and journey to get you to be where you want.



It’s simply okay to


🌺 even if a little awkwardly… 🌺


🌺 doing what you can,

🌺 right where you are,

🌺 using only what you have,

🌺 right now, no matter what your circumstances.

🌱 What if everything you’re going through is preparing you for what you asked for? 🌱

🍰 Enjoy your slice of life, and cake, in ALL its forms 🧁

🍰 Think (((outside))) the box 🍰

🧁 Switch things up 🧁

🎂 Hmm… I think I’ll make a Lemon Strawberry cake next 🎂

Some Fun Facts

because it’s OK to be strange but NOT OK to be a stranger! 😊

🔎 I share 2 different Fun Facts about myself in each of my websites 🔍


Fun fact One : I ❤️ Colors

If you haven’t already noticed, I love being surrounded by colors. I love co-ordinating colors and playing with colors. Even as a child, I didn’t just simply color my coloring books, my coloring had layers to them! I also love playing with different prints especially on fabrics.

Colors, and don’t forget monochromatic shades too, add so much dimension to life. Perhaps that’s why I enjoy meeting people with multi-colorful personalities both in life and online too. People add dimensions to your life where you can’t on your own.


Fun fact Two : I ❤️ Sparkly & Shiny things

I guess this shouldn’t be surprising either. I don’t use glitter much but I do love things sparkly and glittery. I think what amuses me is that there’s movement and changes and yet it’s still the same but different. That kinda describes me and my life. Do I suffer from the Shiny Object Syndrome? Of course… BUT I’m getting better at dealing with distractions as I practice my Enough.Already. mindset. Anyway, a little sparkle in our lives now and then is always FUN!

Take a 👀 peek at some FUN stuff:

I design and create FUN Enough. Already. products as reminders to live our

One Best Enough. Already. Life

👉🏻 For now, they’re available only at my FUN Shop at Multifaceting.com

I don’t know about you, but I need all the reminders I can get!

Please visit my FUN shop, there’s so much more to discover inside! (Just like you 😉)

Bloom 🌼 anywhere!

Take deep breaths and enjoy sips of your favorite drink in this cute mug as you take pauses to remember that you are Enough.Already. to keep blooming, no matter your circumstances. You are always able to do what you can, use what you have, right where you are.


Turn the Unexpected into Opportunities!

Definitely one of the Favorites. There’s much love for this t-shirt that arose from a “mistake” that turned out to be beautiful! Find out why with a click of the button below.

It’s always time to live your One Best Enough.Already. Life!

Value your time and use it wisely to make what matters most to you happen!

Regardless of whether you see the world in Black or White or in multi-colors, you’ll find one suitable for you!

Come hang out with me,

And let’s have some FUN!

You can always find

up to something at:




Coming Soon! ❤️

Get updates ⬇️

Coming Soon! ❤️ Get updates ⬇️




Multifaceted Lorraine is always up to something and I currently Blog on Multifaceting.com sharing my journey as I recreate ClosetDelights.com. Understanding how stressful & overwhelming it can get and after having my Enough.Already. breakthrough, I wanted to create a FUN respite for other burnt out humans and solopreneurs, to share what has helped me stay driven & motivated to do what I love and to love what I do.

Closet Delights (also me but a different brain facet!) is doing a collaboration with Multifaceting.com to create the Fun & Colorful ©Enough.Already. Collection and some Closet Delights brand items.

EnoughAlreadyLife.com is a reminder for everyone about what matters most and regardless of what curveballs life throws at you, you can live your One Best Enough.Already. life now!

MultifacetedLorraine.com explains my name and how we can all stay motivated to move forward towards a fulfilling life.


ClosetDelights.com will sell Closet Delights brand items, Handmade With Love items & Vintage items. Coming Soon! Find out when the shop opens & get updates HERE 👈🏻 use this link to get information exclusively about Closet Delights and nothing else. No spam emails.

BIZiBuddys.com will be a community of Solopreneurs that support and encourage each other on their entrepreneurship journey. Find out how you can get notified when it begins by signing up HERE 👈🏻 Using this link means you will ONLY receive info about BIZiBuddys. No spam emails.


Please visit my FUN shop at Multifaceting.com