Have you had it?!?



Isn’t it time ⏰ to live your


Sometimes it’s easy to forget that we have just this ONE life

especially when our focus is constantly pulled into multiple directions

What are you doing?

With your life? With your focus?

Nothing changes if nothing changes





If I can, YOU CAN

Fancy a coffee ☕️ chat with someone who understands?

Fun 🍹 cocktails 🍸 could possibly lead to even deeper conversations…

I’m not here to tell you how to live your life.

I’m simply sharing what has helped me to catch up with my own life!

With the acceptance of ENOUGH.ALREADY.

anyone can change their mindset to start enjoying life

GETTING THERE (wherever desired) by BEING HERE


Your life can easily pass you by without you realizing it

Do you want to

change your fears, stress, overwhelm, disappointments & frustrations




Why wouldn’t you?

But do you?


If you’re generally happy with your life, you’ve probably already come to terms with your lot and made peace with it.

If you have this nagging voice in your head that nudges you now and then and that challenges you with questions like - What ARE you doing with your life? Are you REALLY happy? - that confirms you’re a normal human being.

There’s no judgement here. That’s NOT the point.

This is for the times when you feel like something’s missing, when there’s an inexplicable yearning for something else, when you know something has to change, when you’ve had…



You want more than just to live and exist.

You want to be truly happy, no matter your circumstances.


Dream it.

Dreaming is different from having dreams. One involves wistful musing or sleeping, the other can be a powerful force that leads to action.

Do you still have DREAMS? Not goals but dreams. Having the right goals may lead you to live out your dreams but wrong goals will not.

Live it.

Are you living the life you want? The realization that we have only this ONE CHANCE to live THIS LIFE should excite us more!

Life shouldn’t be a constant striving for Never Enough. The Enough.Already. life can center us to enjoy this ONE LIFE we have, no matter what’s going on.


are not optional in life and that’s ok.

In fact, realizing what to do with changes or how to create changes is the KEY.

But hey, changes are scary, aren’t they? That’s ok too.

You can say Enough.Already. to whatever scares you!*

*How? There’s a clue in MultifacetedLorraine.com 🎈

Are YOU living

YOUR One Best




ONLY YOU can be truly honest with yourself.

ONLY YOU are responsible for YOUR LIFE.


Are you truly living or just existing?




Starting with being vulnerably honest with myself, I dove deep, got really REAL and realized that I wanted to change where I was and where I was heading, so I began to identify where I could make, not only possible but effective, changes.

To the best of my abilities, I resolved to choosing only decisions that would lead me to live my One Best Life. This doesn’t mean never making mistakes.

This means making Enough.Already. decisions and taking Enough.Already. actions and knowing that we’re all Enough.Already. to make that choice!

✨ Doing one’s best is really the most that you can do (and that includes asking for help when you need it).

Embracing life’s up & downs is so much easier when living your One Best Enough.Already. Life. It calms you down to say (rather than yell), “Enough.Already.“ because with practice, you’ll get better and better at making Enough.Already. choices.


and I changed

my fears, stress, overwhelm, disappointments & frustrations



I started to live my


Hi, I’m Multifaceted Lorraine!

I’m a solopreneur based in San Francisco, California. I’m a BusyBuddy to most and a *BIZiBuddy to overwhelmed & burnt out solopreneurs. I enjoy helping others whenever I can. With both my in-person friends and friends that I’ve made online, it’s evident that we all desire to live a life that is fulfilling, meaningful and purposeful.

Being a multi-passionate person, I enjoy a multi-dimensional 😊 life. But there was a time when I found myself oddly stuck in a rut. Living a multi-dimensional life is not always easy, but it is definitely worth it to me. I share some musings of my journey here.


✨A very warm welcome to EnoughAlreadyLife.com


If you’ve ever experienced the frustration of feeling like you’re not where you want to be in existence, you’re in the right place, friend. I reached my Enough.Already. point a few years ago and made the decision that I was going to do whatever it took to change how I was living my life because I wasn’t going to waste this one life that I have by remaining where I was not happy.

Actually, I wasn’t exactly unhappy. I was just ‘not happy’. I was not as happy as I knew I could be. I knew it because I was ‘THAT HAPPY’ before. Nothing was really going wrong until it felt like it must have. With just this one life to live, I wasn’t going to not have it be ‘THAT HAPPY’.

I explain what ‘THAT HAPPY’(Junk Room Happy) means to me in my Blog post titled A Room with A View**.

**Please note that this Blog post is in Multifaceting.com






It begins with BEING ABSOLUTELY HONEST WITH YOURSELF. Half-baked convenient-only honesty, just like stale ingredients in baked goods, just isn’t going to cut it.

Go for quality raw ingredients here.

You’ve heard it, read it and viewed it across social media countless times before :

Start right where you are

Use what you have

Do what you can

But what does it really mean? I stripped it down to its raw truth and humbly started from right where I found myself.

I don’t want Good Enough nor Never Enough.

Enough.Already. is not a compromise.

The Enough.Already. Life is about living YOUR BEST POSSIBLE fullest, happiest, most fun and satisfying LIFE right NOW!

✨ No more excuses for Good Enough and no more stressing over the misconception of Never Enough

Discovering what’s possible and sustainable is where all the FUN is.




a summary


Phase 1


FINALLY, YOU DECIDE that it’s - Enough.Already. - things have to change and only YOU can make the CHANGE(s) happen. You take stock of your situation to understand how far away (or close) you are to where you want to be. What is it exactly that you want? What do you have available to you - no matter how insignificant it may seem?


Phase 2


YOU say Enough.Already. to all the distractions that are diverting your focus from your One Best Life. You’re going to align & CHOOSE your actions towards what matters most to you. It’s not going to be easy but YOU WILL find ways, little by little, to align your choices and actions.


Phase 3


YOU CAN. When you have the will, you’ll find the way because YOU ARE Enough.Already. to make it happen! All the tiny action steps add up and no matter how tiny it may seem… don’t give up. Keep on keeping on and all the little by little steps taken becomes your journey. Make your steps worthwhile because you’re on your journey whether you realize it or not! The question is - Are you headed towards where you want to be?

Ever notice a flower grow out of a seemingly impossible place?


The power, determination and resilience of plant life never ceases to amaze me. It delights me every time I spot a lone flower growing out from a brick pavement or a plant peeking out from a crack where there’s no soil at all! I recall times when I’ve been told to throw away the “dead” orchid and yet, I water it and months later, it proves otherwise and blooms into its beauty for me!


Do what you can, With what you have, Right where you are.


We all have the ability to make choices and take action.

✨ Solutions are the outcome of our actions that work out for us. When the outcome of our actions don’t work out for us, how we process and label that outcome makes a difference because some ways hamper our lives and some ways help us thrive. All this implies our engagement in the process. ✨


What’s distracting you from fully engaging with what’s happening in your life? Are you fully enjoying your life (despite its ups & downs)? Is your current way of life leading you to the life you want in the future? What’s happening NOW is going to matter LATER.


Is it



for you?


Are YOU living your




Life doesn’t usually roll out the red carpet for us and make it clear where the path for us to take is, does it?

You get to choose…



You could complain and whine about how sour the lemon is.

You could just yearn for sweeter fruits.

You could decide to give up on lemons and never deal with them again.

You could blame others for growing lemons.

You could say you’ve had enough already with lemons BUT do nothing about it.



You could pause and figure out what this lemon is all about. How many lemons are around anyway?

You could experiment with juicing the lemon, grating the rind, candying the rind, preserving the lemons slices, adding lemon to other things that you may be familiar with… are you getting the picture?


Living the Enough.Already. Life

You could decide to accept it and deal with it.

You could modify it or even change it around. Both these actions can only be done AFTER accepting it.

You could create several products with lemons, cook with it, bake with it, infuse it into facial products, shampoos, soaps, etc., etc., etc.

Hey, maybe farm a lemon orchard! Or just grow a lemon tree in your backyard or just in a plant pot.

Write a lemon recipe book.

Open a lemonade stand…

You’re as limited as your imagination.

Lemon Cake, anyone?

Living the Enough.Already. life is a choice.

It’s a decision.

When you remind yourself : Enough.Already.

…you can take on and apply that simple mindset to do YOUR BEST POSSIBLE (full-baked honest BEST, not half-baked) with whatever life offers you at any point in time. It can center us and ground us to see all the choices and resources that are before us.


If we choose this simple mindset, we get to choose to be as creative as we want, as resourceful as we can be and as resilient as we strive for.

You are Enough.Already. to live your One Best Life!

p/s I’m serving cake in my ABOUT page! You’re invited!! Make sure to come on over to visit, ok?!


Reflect on that ☝🏻 picture

The thing about Enough.Already. is that it implies a pause.

One day I’ll blog about that picture. Meanwhile, I would love to know how that picture speaks to you.

Please let me know via the Contact form. You’ll get full credit if I quote you in my blog post.

Enough. (full stop) pause

Already. (period) pause

How’s Life?

Pause to survey right where you are.

Pause to identify if you’re heading towards where you want to be. If not, what’s distracting you from what matters most? Are you going to do anything about it?

What matters most to you?

Your life deserves Enough.Already. pauses to enable you

➡️ to make your best Enough.Already. decisions and

➡️ to take your best Enough.Already. actions

➡️ to live your One Best Enough.Already. Life.


Let’s Get Real

Not sure about you but I’ve had Enough.Already. with the crazy number of emails that we get bombarded with!

My Promise to you

I’ll only send newsworthy emails and not incessantly. The truth is, the only updates you’ll get if you sign up below are TRUE updates about the ©EnoughAlreadyLife. In fact, if you sign up for updates, on any or all, of my websites, you’ll only receive relevant updates accordingly. I don’t repeat emails and I don’t spam. I respect your time and space.

My Hope for you

I want you to feel comfortable and assured that you will NOT be inundated with countless emails from me. I really dislike companies that send out an incessant amount of emails in a day and such. It drives me mad and I wouldn’t want that for you nor anyone else. So please know that I do not use spammy gimmicks. Here’s to emails that you actually want to receive and open!

Come hang out with me,

And let’s have some FUN!

You can always find

up to something at :




Coming Soon! ❤️

Get updates ⬇️

Coming Soon! ❤️ Get updates ⬇️




Multifaceted Lorraine is always up to something and I currently Blog on Multifaceting.com sharing my journey as I recreate ClosetDelights.com. Understanding how stressful & overwhelming it can get and after having my Enough.Already. breakthrough, I wanted to create a FUN respite for other burnt out humans and solopreneurs, to share what has helped me stay driven & motivated to do what I love and to love what I do.

Closet Delights (also me but a different brain facet!) is doing a collaboration with Multifaceting.com to create the Fun & Colorful ©Enough.Already. Collection and some Closet Delights brand items.

EnoughAlreadyLife.com is a reminder for everyone about what matters most and regardless of what curveballs life throws at you, you can live your One Best Enough.Already. life now!

MultifacetedLorraine.com explains my name and how we can all stay motivated to move forward towards a fulfilling life.


ClosetDelights.com will sell Closet Delights brand items, Handmade With Love items & Vintage items. Coming Soon! Find out when the shop opens & get updates HERE 👈🏻 use this link to get information exclusively about Closet Delights and nothing else. No spam emails.

*BIZiBuddys.com will be a community of Solopreneurs that support and encourage each other on their entrepreneurship journey. Find out how you can get notified when it begins by signing up HERE 👈🏻 Using this link means you will ONLY receive info about BIZiBuddys. No spam emails.


Please visit my FUN shop at Multifaceting.com

Ready to live your ENOUGH.ALREADY. Life?

Remember to visit my ABOUT page

for some Tea 🫖 & Lemon 🍋 Cake 🍰